George Richardson Lecture 2024

Back to the Light: A Fresh Approach by Nigel Smith In this George Richardson Lecture, Nigel Smith looks back to the dynamic period of Quaker activity from the mid-1650s to the early 18th century and explores what we can learn from it today.

Tending the Flames: resilience in activism

How do we keep going when we feel like all is lost? How do we keep talking when we feel no one is listening? We might find the answers in metaphors of fire – in what it takes to keep a fire burning and what it means to tend the flames. In this poetic presentation, … Read more

Where the Wild Things Are: gardening for nature in Quaker spaces

The UK is one of the most nature-depleted places on Earth, in the face of this our gardens provide a vital sanctuary. This presentation by Caroline Chandler considers how we can use our gardens to support nature and provide a refuge for different members of our community. Drawing on the experiences of three Quaker meeting … Read more

George Richardson Lecture 2023

The Seed and the Day of Small Things – finding power and powerlessness in Quaker theology by Rachel Muers  How do Quakers confront the apparent power of evil, negotiate their own power and powerlessness, and speak about the experience of being empowered by God? This lecture explores early Quaker theologies of ‘the Seed’ and … Read more

Climate Crisis – Food and Solidarity

Ruth Kettle-Frisby looks at how people of faith can accompany women and disabled people in the Global South. Naomi Richards explores sharing food to cultivate belonging to and reverence for life on earth. Naomi produced a booklet as a resource for meetings to continue her project which can be downloaded here: A Meeting for Nourishment. 

Our Friends and Other Animals and Lessons from Friends against Nuclear Weapons

Jasmine Piercy shares her work on the theme, ‘Our Friends and Other Animals’: how we might extend our Quaker testimony to all species. Adopting a fresh, hopeful and non-judgemental approach, she has been engaging with Friends creatively through her online ‘Museum of Animal Stuff’, artefacts derived from animals, collected and curated into an interactive exhibition: … Read more

Centering Prayer & Giving in Friends Church Africa

Rosemary Field shares her exploration of what the method of ‘centering prayer’ has to offer Friends as personal spiritual practice and as a means of enhancing the experience of Meeting for Worship. Alfred Wasike talks about his research into ways in which the Friends Church can promote the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals to help … Read more

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