March 2014 – Quakers, Work and Business – A chocolate maker

March 2014 – Quakers, Work and Business – A chocolate maker This series of Journeys in the Spirit offers ways to help children look at the sort of work and businesses that Quakers have done or been involved in. In this issue we look at one particular business, how it started and what Friends did … Read more

February 2014 – Quakers, Work and Business – A botanist

February 2014 – Quakers, Work and Business – A botanist Early Quakers had testimonies against outward symbols, taking oaths and the payment of tithes, and about peace, temperance, moderation and forms of address. These beliefs sprung from a sense of equality, compassion and seeing the sacred in all life. It was in this Quietism period … Read more

January 2014 – Quakers, Work and Business – An introduction

January 2014 – Quakers, Work and Business – An introduction This is the first in a short series about how Quakers think about the work and business they might be involved in. The series has three issues about some historic Quaker businesses and reflections on what children think about work.

September 2013 – Some Feelings – Talking about fear

September 2013 – Some Feelings – Talking about fear This issue helps children to explore their fears and perhaps understand and accept them a little better. It also looks at how fear affects us. Our worst fears may go back to something that happened to us in the past. It looks at how we can … Read more

July 2013 – Some Feelings – talking about anger

July 2013 – Some Feelings – talking about anger Anger is an emotion most of us will experience regularly in our lives. It is said that it is very important that children experience strong emotions whilst growing up in order to learn to live with them and become emotionally competent individuals.

June 2013 – Some Feelings – Talking about sadness

June 2013 – Some Feelings – Talking about sadness This issue of Journeys in the Spirit offers some suggestions of how we might offer children the opportunity to talk about what makes them sad and to explore the importance of acknowledging and talking about it.

April 2013 – Difficult Questions – How can I talk about being a Quaker?

April 2013 – Difficult Questions – How can I talk about being a Quaker? In this issue we will explore how we might encourage children to speak about their own experience of worship and of living by Quaker values, looking at what is important to them, what they cherish and what they sometimes find difficult.

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