September 2023 – Getting Ready for Quaker Week

September 2023 – Getting Ready for Quaker Week Each year Quakers in Britain have a week dedicated to exploring new ways to share their stories and strengthen their faith. In 2023, Quaker Week will run from 23 September to 1 October. This year’s theme is Simple. Radical. Spiritual.

August 2023 – Lights, Camera, Action

August 2023 – Lights, Camera, Action In 2024, the Quaker community will celebrate the four-hundredth anniversary of George Fox’s birth. To commemorate this occasion, the Quaker Arts Network, is inviting Quaker schools, summer camps, children’s meetings, and other Quaker groups to create short films that showcase an aspect of George Fox’s life and message. These … Read more

July 2023 – Outdoors

July 2023 – Outdoors All species and the Earth itself have interdependent roles within Creation. Humankind is not the species, to whom all others are subservien to, but one among many. All parts, all issues, are inextricably intertwined. Indeed the web of creation could be described as of three ply thread: wherever we touch it … Read more

June 2023 – Belonging

June 2023 – Belonging How can we make the meeting a community in which each person is accepted and nurtured, and strangers are welcome? Seek to know one another in the things which are eternal, bear the burden of each other’s failings and pray for one another. As we enter with tender sympathy into the … Read more

May 2023 – Truth

May 2023 – Truth Truth, Peace, Simplicity and Equality are values we can all try to live up to in our daily lives. They encourage and challenge us in the choices and decisions we make. For Quakers, these values are especially important.

Yearly Meeting – Truth and Joy

Yearly Meeting – Truth and Joy At Yearly Meeting this year the children will be thinking about Truth and Joy. Part of their exploration will be about being true to ourselves – about believing in who we are, being comfortable with who we are, and being honest about who we are.

April 2023 – What makes my heart sing?

April 2023 – What makes my heart sing? April Fools’ Day, is the first day of April. A day when people share jokes and play tricks. Even the media join in, with the famous spaghetti tree being a memorable BBC prank. The average 4-year-old laughs 300 times a day. The average 40-year-old? Only 4. Laughter … Read more

March 2023 – Spring Forward

March 2023 – Spring Forward Spring is a season of new life. The Earth wakes up from its rest, temperatures rise, and daylight increases. Signs of life are everywhere you look. Our Earth is a wonderful place and it’s exciting to see it spring back into life.

Climate Crisis – Food and Solidarity

Ruth Kettle-Frisby looks at how people of faith can accompany women and disabled people in the Global South. Naomi Richards explores sharing food to cultivate belonging to and reverence for life on earth. Naomi produced a booklet as a resource for meetings to continue her project which can be downloaded here: A Meeting for Nourishment. 

January 2023 – Hope

January 2023 – Hope New Year is often a time people make resolutions, changes to their life style or hatch new plans. Sometimes these ideas can take hold and flourish but often plans don’t last beyond mid-January. After the excitement of the Christmas season, this month can feel a bit bleak, with the weather to … Read more

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