August 2010 – Quaker Stories – Bayard Rustin

August 2010 – Quaker Stories – Bayard Rustin This issue is about Bayard Rustin, an African-American Quaker, who expressed his faith in action, challenging inequalities, and responding to racism and prejudice non-violently. He worked closely with Martin Luther King in the organisation of the huge rally where King gave his ‘I have a dream’ speech. This story … Read more

July 2010 – Quaker Stories – Pilgrimage

July 2010 – Quaker Stories – Pilgrimage Pilgrimages are journeys: they are special journeys, to special places. Where you are going and often how your travel is important. This issue focuses on pilgrimage, both for Quakers and for other faiths.

June 2010 – Quaker Stories – Luke Howard

June 2010 – Quaker Stories – Luke Howard Imagine a time when you laid on some soft grass, looking up at the clouds, and watched the white wisps drift into identifiable shapes which then disintegrated to reform or scatter.

May 2010 – Quaker Stories – The Quaker Tapestry

May 2010 – Quaker Stories – The Quaker Tapestry The Quaker Tapestry is a visual chronicle of Quaker life through the centuries, contained within 77 large embroidered panels. Illustrated by 4000 children, women, and men, from fifteen countries between 1981 and 1996, it is now housed at the Friends Meeting House in Kendal. But how … Read more

April 2010 – Quaker Stories – Luke Cock

April 2010 – Quaker Stories – Luke Cock Luke was a butcher. He was born in 1657. He was not from a Quaker family; he wasn’t a merchant, a landowner, or middle class. He was a noted singer of irreverent songs. He was a Quaker by convincement – not an easy thing in the late … Read more

March 2010 – Quaker Stories – John Woolman II

March 2010 – Quaker Stories – John Woolman II John Woolman is often talked about as a Quaker “hero”. If we label people as heroic it reduces what they have done, or been, to some kind of personal magic or power that the rest of us don’t have or can’t get. It can deny the struggle … Read more

February 2010 – Quaker Stories – John Woolman I

February 2010 – Quaker Stories – John Woolman I John Woolman was a Quaker born in America in 1720. Woolman has had a great influence on Quakers and American society. His Journal is a classic in American literature and documents many of his adventures.

January 2010 – Quaker Stories – Betsy Gurney, Elizabeth Fry

January 2010 – Quaker Stories – Betsy Gurney, Elizabeth Fry In stories about Quakers, we can often become lost in their accomplishments and no longer see the individual with personal strengths and weaknesses, joys, and sorrows, doing their best to live their faith in action.

December 2009 – Quaker Stories – Bolivia

December 2009 – Quaker Stories – Bolivia This issue looks at the work of one small, Quaker-led, international non-governmental organisation (referred to as an INGO) and its work in the remote Aymara communities of North West Bolivia.

October 2009 – Quaker Stories – The Rodwell Family

October 2009 – Quaker Stories – The Rodwell Family This issue focuses on one Quaker family’s experience of missionary work. The Rodwell family went to China 100 years ago, with the Friends Foreign Mission in China. How Quakers organised things was very different then, although when you read some of the stories the heart of what they … Read more

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