George Richardson Lectures

George Richardson Lecture 2024

Back to the Light: A Fresh Approach by Nigel Smith In this George Richardson Lecture, Nigel Smith looks back to the dynamic period of Quaker activity from the mid-1650s to the early 18th century and…

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George Richardson Lecture 2023

The Seed and the Day of Small Things – finding power and powerlessness in Quaker theology by Rachel Muers  How do Quakers confront the apparent power of evil, negotiate their own power and powerlessness,…

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George Richardson Lecture 2022

George Fox’s Pulpits – place and story in Quaker history by Professor Angus Winchester Focusing on the sites in north-west England associated with early Quakerism, specifically the two hillsides which contain rocks known as ‘Fox’s…

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George Richardson Lecture 2021

Tolstoy or Kierkegaard? Dilemmas of Quaker Biblical Interpretation by Hugh S. Pyper The eminent critic George Steiner entitled his first book Tolstoy or Dostoevsky. In it he explores the fundamental differences between these two great…

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George Richardson Lecture 2019

Hilary Hinds on The Poetry of Mary Mollineux. In 1671, George Fox urged Friends to ‘pluck down your images, your likenesses, your pictures, and your representation of things in heaven, things in the earth, and…

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George Richardson Lecture 2018

This lecture, “William Penn after 300 Years: Paradoxes and Legacies of a Boundary-Spanner” was given by Andrew Murphy at Woodbrooke on June 21 2018. 2018 marks the 300th anniversary of the death of William Penn,…

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George Richardson Lecture 2017

Christine Trevett delivers the 2017 George Richardson Lecture and questions the age of Quaker membership.

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George Richardson Lecture 2013

Roger Homan delivers the 2013 George Richardson Lecture and talks to us about the rehabilitation of art in Quaker faith.

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George Richardson Lecture 2014

Stephen W. Angell delivers the 2014 George Richardson Lecture and looks at Samuel Fisher’s writings as they relate to the authority of Scripture and their effects on the ways other Quakers have understood the authority of Scripture throughout the Second Period and beyond.

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George Richardson Lecture 2016

Robynne Rogers Healey delivers the 2016 George Richardson Lecture and surveys some of the changes in Quaker history over the past twenty years

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