Centring Down With Compassion

Sunday 10 November - Sunday 15 December

Centring Down with Compassion

Have you ever wondered what Quakers mean by ‘Centring Down’? Are you puzzled by how difficult it is to ‘be still and cool thine own heart and mind’? This course is an exploration of different ways into stillness.

You will cultivate your capacity to be present in worship and your daily activities. Centring Down helps us to be more open to ourselves and our communities with kindness and understanding. Practicing a way into stillness transforms how we show up in the world, because we are truly nourished and resourced by the inner light. This course will of benefit to anyone who is looking to deepen their awareness of the divine in their lives.

In each of the six sessions we will explore a different way to enter stillness and silence, which you can then practice over the week. Each way into stillness is rooted in an Advice and Query, which will act as a guide in each exploration. There will be recorded guidance to support your daily practice and you will be encouraged to journal about your experiences.

This course will involve:

DiscussionOnline Learning MaterialsRecorded materialWorkshopZoom Session

Accessibility info:

On the booking form, there is a chance for you to let us know about any accessibility or communication adjustments that will enable you to participate more fully in the course. Automated Zoom closed captions are available for all live sessions but if you feel you require more accurate closed captioning please email us directly in addition to booking.

See more courses in this category: Spirituality & Retreats

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