How Can We Talk About Israel-Palestine?

Monday 22 July
18:30-20:00 (UK time)

How Can We Talk About Israel-Palestine

As the conflict in Israel-Palestine rages, emotions are high. How can we talk about it with people who hold very different views from us? In this session, Marigold Bentley will share with us her experience of doing this.

The Israel-Palestine conflict is complex and it can feel daunting to talk about it. How can we be in dialogue with others, at all, but especially those with whom we disagree? How can we do this in a way that is constructive and rooted in our Peace Testimony?

In this 90-minute session, we will hear from Marigold Bentley about her experiences of recently doing this. What approaches did she take? What methods did she use? What were the challenges? What learning can we draw from this to take into our own lives and communities?

Marigold worked in Quaker service in the West Bank, Gaza and Egypt (the latter with the Coptic Church) during the 1980’s followed by work at the Quaker United Nations in New York. In the 1990’s she worked in peace education for British Quakers focusing on Northern Ireland and Former Yugoslavia and ended her professional career as Head of Peace Programmes and Faith Relations for Quakers in 2021.

The session will involve a presentation from Marigold and then a time for questions to Marigold from participants and a discussion.

This course will involve:

DiscussionSpeakerZoom Session

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See more courses in this category: Peace & Social Justice


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